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12th International Conference on Tests & Proofs

Toulouse, June 29 - 31, 2018

Part of the STAF Event 2018(parallel ECMFA, ICGT, ICMT, SEFM, TAP, TTC)


  • Regular research papers: full submissions describing original research, of up to 16 pages (excluding references).
  • Tool demonstration papers: submissions describing the design and implementation of an analysis/verification tool or framework, of up to 8 pages (excluding references). The tool/framework described in a tool demonstration paper should be available for public use.
  • Short papers: submissions describing preliminary findings, proofs of concepts, and exploratory studies, of up to 6 pages (excluding references).

Definitive submissions for accepted papers should follow the publication format of the Springer LNCS. See guidelines and templates (Word, LaTeX, FrameMaker) at http://www.springer.com. We recommend that you use this format for preparing your initial submission. The maximum number of pages is based on this format.

In order to submit a paper you should first open an account at EasyChair: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tap2011.

Logging in as an author, you will be asked to provide:

  1. The list of authors with their personal data
  2. The title of the paper
  3. The abstract of the paper (plain text)
  4. A list of up to 5 keywords
  5. The paper itself in pdf format

Please provide a meaningful abstract and carefully choose keywords since they are important in assigning reviewers to your work.

By submitting a paper to TAP, authors warrant that the work is original and that the paper or a similar contribution is neither published nor considered for publication elsewhere.

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